We created this blog to help us document the story of Malia starting at 29 weeks in utero. There have been and continue to be struggles for Malia and for us. It is evident to us, as you will see, that the power of prayer is mighty and God does love us and hear our prayers. We welcome and invite you to follow along with us. Though lengthy, start from the bottom to get the entire story so far.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Thankful for so much...

The past four weeks, as you all know, has been a time of trials, praise, uncertainty, more trials, more praise, and still some uncertainty as Malia continues to grow, become stronger, healthier and more precious by the minute. We want to take a moment to say "THANK YOU" to everyone out there, around the world, who has been praying for this tiny little life who we have all come to love named Malia Joy. THANK YOU so much for all the encouraging emails, testimonies of similar situations, phone calls, cards, text messages, visits, childcare and meals. We are truly grateful and praise God for all your prayers, support, and love during this past month. The generosity and love you've all extended, and continue to, has brought us to tears on more than a few occasions. We have also loved hearing stories about how little Malia's heart (problem) has changed hearts all over the world as people rally together to pray for her and as God continues to heal her. We serve such an amazing God!
We were reminded this past Sunday from the sermon that we can trust God everytime to give us mercy and grace in our time of need. Whether we consider ourselves as christian or not christian, God extends his mercy and grace on everyone. We have felt God's mercy in so many different ways through all this, from emails coming at just the right time with encouragement or sensing a great peace that is unexplainable to just knowing that our Savior (Jesus) understands. He has truely given us the strength and energy to endure this past month and continues to give us his grace daily as we juggle spending time as a family at home, trips to the hospital, daily activities and Harley going back to work. Each day we continue to ask God for what we need and trust Him for his presense and grace through this difficult time and believe that he will give us exactly what we need to endure.